
Dr. Mayur’s Energy Medicine Clinic

Follow Nature’s law of Cure

I take an integrated approach to health care – one that recognises the importance of addressing the mental, emotional and physical facets, all of which are interconnected. I will facilitate your own healing journey to help you rebalance your body, mind and soul.

Nice to meet you

I am Dr. Mayurkumar

I treat all kinds of illnesses with the method of ‘Treat from Root’

I am a Registered Homeopath, approved by the Maharashtra Council of Homeopathy, and I have also completed post graduate course of studies in “Homeopathic system of medicines” in the field of Homeopathy from the renowned Hahnemann College of Homeopathy based in the UK.

How can I help?

Holistic approach

I take a holistic approach to health with the ultimate goal of aligning the body with the mind. I see my patients as a whole, rather than a sum of different parts. In other words, with my homeopathic approach I aim to place your symptoms in your individual context, not to look at them in isolation. I will listen to your concerns – physical, mental and emotional – and consider them within your individual context. Taking into account the entirety of your symptoms, I will then create bespoke Homeopathic Medicines to help stimulate your body’s natural healing mechanisms.

My empathic and compassionate nature puts me in an ideal position to offer Homeopathy as a non-intrusive, complete healthcare choice.


What are the benefits?

All natural

Homeopathic remedies are solely made from natural ingredients.


You can take homeopathic remedies alongside conventional medication, they will not interfere with their action.


Homeopathic remedies are safe, with no toxic side effects.


Homeopathic remedies are non-addictive.

For everyone

Any person with an acute or a chronic condition can find homeopathy beneficial. It is for children and adults, from babies, pregnant women to the elderly.

What to expect?

We start by talking about whatever ailment is bothering you and we’ll discuss your medical history. Everything you say is completely confidential.

I’ll then use different tools and methods for a physical examination, like taking your blood pressure or monitoring your heart rhythm by an electrocardiogram for example. From here, I’ll recommend tests and other diagnostic procedures, which can be done by a laboratory. An example of this is a blood sugar test for a diabetes patient. If the consultation is taking place by phone or online, I will give instructions on what information I need to receive, like photos of your tongue for instance and test results.

Based on the physical examination and totality of mental and/or emotional factors, I’ll explain the underlying causes of your symptoms from a homeopathy perspective.

I’ll describe the steps we’ll take to help you feel well again.

I’ll prescribe homeopathic medicines and where needed, I’ll add dietary and lifestyle advice to help you feel better.

During or after the treatment we will always have a follow up consultation, either by phone, online or in person.

Some of the areas where homeopathy may help

Emotional problems

stress, low confidence, anxiety, depression, fears, anger, exhaustion, grief or insomnia

Fertility, conception and pregnancy related discomforts

endometriosis, uterine fibroids, polyps, PCOS or lack of ovulation,morning sickness, exhaustion, varicose veins, post natal care issues

Hormonal disbalances

PMT, lack of periods, painful or irregular periods, endometriosis, menopause, thyroid, diabetes

Organ related problems

kidney, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas

Childhood illnessess

colds and flu, glue ear, colic, asthma

Digestive disorder

IBS, constipation, food allergies, candida

Hay fever and respiratory system disorders

asthma, pneumonia

Musculoskeletal problems

arthritis, sports injuries, back pains, stiff muscles or broken bones

Skin problems

eczema, psoriasis, hives, rash

What are the prices?

Consultation Fees

Initial consultation

Rs 2000

90 minutes. In person, online or by phone

Follow up


60 minutes.

Bespoke homeopathic remedies
made by Dr. Mayurkumar

Rs 4000 to Rs 6000

For 1 month.

India Post Special Delivery

Charges depend on weight, size and destination.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Learn more about our services.

Homeopathy is a natural form of medicine that was invented more than 200 years ago by a German Doctor named Samuel Hahnemann. The fundamental difference between Conventional Medicine and Homeopathy is that conventional medicine treats the illness, whereas Homeopathy treats the individual as a whole. Since everyone reacts differently to stress and their personal needs vary, Homeopathy could be your “Golden Health Bullet”.

Homeopathy is a process of natural healing in which the remedies are used by the body to heal itself by stimulating its natural healing powers. The name is derived from two Greek words and means treating ‘like with like’. This means that when a person is being treated with homeopathy, a substance is used, which in a healthy person produces symptoms and signs similar to those presented by the person. For example, a raw onion can cause sore, burning tearful eyes and a runny nose. However in its homeopathic form, it becomes the remedy Allium Cepa which is prescribed for colds, flu or other illnesses that produce the same symptoms.

Homeopathy is a gentle system of medicine that works by stimulating the body’s own natural healing ability by prescribing minute doses of natural substances.

“Homeopathy is a system of medicine which involves treating the individual with highly diluted substances, given mainly in tablet form, with the aim of triggering the body’s natural system of healing. Based on their specific symptoms, a homeopath will match the most appropriate medicine to each patient.”
Homeopathy takes into account the whole person and by doing that helps to bring the body and mind back to balance. It recognises that emotional and physical health are interconnected, and that symptoms of ill health are signs of an imbalance.

Etched in solid philosophies of their own are two popular forms of alternative medicine – homeopathy and ayurveda. However, homeopathy and ayurveda have very different origins and governing beliefs.

Homeopathy gospels ‘Like cures like’, while ayurveda believes in treating the patient based on their nature.


1. Origins – Homeopathy is a complementary and alternative medicine that was developed by Samuel Hahnemann in 1796.

2. The philosophy of homeopathy – Homeopathy teaches that the human body is a unit made of various parts that falls into disharmony because of a single underlying problem. Homeopathic practitioners prescribe medicines based on the patient’s history, nature and mental conditions.

3. ‘Vital force’ and homeopathy – It is believed in homeopathy that diseases are based on the disorders of the ‘vital force’. There is something else other than just chemistry that is needed to cure a person and that is called the ‘vital force’.

4. Homeopathic definition of health – It’s the ability to fulfil our spiritual purpose – to reach the highest goal of our existence. Homeopathic medicines are generally made up of natural substances, and sometimes with minute quantities of the cause of the illness itself, which is curated, to eliminate the disease.

5. Homeopathic reasoning of diseases – In homeopathic thinking, diseases can have two causes: external and internal, and homeopathy emphasizes the internal.


1. Origins – Ayurveda is a system of medicine that has its roots in the Indian subcontinent and emerged as a science, as far back as 5000 years ago.

2. The philosophy of Ayurveda – Ayurveda claims that all things in the universe, living and non-living are connected and made of the same elements – space, air, water, earth and fire.

3. Ayurvedic definition of health – Ayurvedic scriptures teach that there is a deep connection between the self and the environment, other people, and the universe. This balanced connectivity ensures good health.

4. Ayurvedic reasoning of diseases – This balance is often disrupted by our lifestyles, choices of diet, exercise, professions and relationships; and all these have the potential to create physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances.

5. Doshas and Ayurveda – These imbalances are called doshas in ayurveda. They are treated by detoxification, herbal medicines and oil massages, which are prescribed based on the kind of dosha.

Any person with an acute or a chronic condition can find homeopathy beneficial. It is for children and adults, from babies, pregnant women to the elderly.

  • Homeopathic remedies are solely made from natural ingredients.
  • You can take them alongside conventional medication, they will not interfere with their action.
  • Homeopathic remedies are safe, with no toxic side effects.
  • Homeopathic remedies are non-addictive
  • Homeopathic remedies are therefore safe and suitable for pregnant women, babies and adults alike.

Homeopathic medicines are made from a range of natural substances such as minerals and plants. Each medicine is made from a small amount of a material which is crushed, diluted and shaken. This process is repeated a specific number of times to release the healing energy. All the homeopathic remedies are available by myself in my clinic in Palolem, South Goa, India

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    We are Here

    On appointment only.

    Maria Guest House, Ourem Road, Palolem
    South Goa 403702

    Please contact Dr. Mayurkumar via
    WhatsApp +919967235889
    or email info@drmayursenergymedicine.com

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